Are you struggling to use the right words to express your transferable skills in a new industry on job applications? Would you like to be able to explain and demonstrate your talents moving from one industry to another? 

When we work in one industry for a long time we find ourselves speaking in that “lingo” because that is where we are recognised and understood. I have a partner who I once heard had a full conversation in a lift using three letter codes and acronyms!

Covid19 has put many of us in a position of having to apply for new roles and explain “why you should employee me!”

It’s so important to understand and recognise all your transferable skills, put your strengths in action, and, be able to express them in a way that others recognise them too.

I have recently been working with people on both discovering their strengths and more importantly, how to communicate their value so it can be understood and recognised by any employer.

Right now, you may be in an industry that has been crippled by the current environment. You need to know there is hope!

Many of you have extraordinary skills and now, the motivation to be open to new possibilities, let me show you how awareness of your incredible talents can manifest in to people taking notice of your applications for work or recognise your value in the current workplace.

I was recently mentoring a leader in the travel industry, one that we know has suffered significant losses during this pandemic.  She came to me with a long history in Travel, an industry she is very passionate about. One aspect of service driven industries like hospitality, travel, and tourism is the loyalty and passion of the people working in those areas.

Having had 22 years in that industry myself, I am very aware of the “blood, sweat and tears” that go into servicing guests, as well as the opportunities it can offer like no other. You get to experience people from all walks of life: kids, teens, young adults, middle-aged people, even grey nomads! All kinds of temperaments and egos, those of gratitude and attitude, those who ask you “do you know who I am?” and those you assist, counsel, mentor and relate to. You also get those who complain and those who compliment. You negotiate, placate, laugh and cry.

To me these are industries that provide us with growth, learning, and skills that are valuable in any field. These are the industries that remind us what it is to experience being human! 

So, when my client came to me she had exceptional loyalty. As the business crumbled around her she continued her consistent work ethic, ensuring every email was responded to and every client assisted with negotiations for refunds, insurance claims and administration work – no job was too big or too small, above or beneath her, she continued to do what it takes, grateful for the job until the shop fronts became untenable and were closed.

Having not applied for a job or had a job interview for over ten years she was at a point of disillusionment. As many have asked “What now? This is all I know.”

BOOM! there it is, the limiting belief that need to be busted! 

We went through a strengths-discovery process. Traditionally people focus on weakness fixing. Imagine what could happen if we shifted our focus to what we do well and did more of that?

Well, that is exactly what we did. We defined her talents and strengths and learned to understand how the awareness of her talents drove her motivation and desires in any given role. We uncovered the indicators of her talents and what they look like in action.

We identified her unique offerings as an individual and the barriers of her thinking, feeling, behaviour and expression that got in the way of her success. Finally, we became aware of her lesser talents and recognised her approach to managing those as needed.

With her permission, I am sharing the before-and-after impact:

Expression of Value to perspective employer pre-strengths coaching;

I am a focused, committed, and professional Manager within a travel agency consisting of two branches. Presently, I manage the xxx branch with a team of five consultants, with a mix of full time and part-time staff. My current focus is to achieve results & revenue growth, through motivating my team to reach individual & team targets.

The travel industry is so diverse & forever changing, and my role requires me to continue to stay up to date with industry trends & keeping our staff up to date with the latest offers, updates, training, sales techniques & policy changes. I thrive on the thrill of planning the perfect & seamless holiday for a large database of repeat & referred clients.


Expression of Value to perspective employer post strengths coaching;

I have reviewed your requirements for success in the role and believe I would be an excellent candidate with my background in service excellence and team leadership. This includes over 10 years leading multiple teams in a competitive and highly sales driven environment: the Hospitality and Tourism industry. As a leader I bring a consistency and strong team focus in my style. I create a culture of strong team empowerment and development through my natural mentoring style. I build trust quickly with others and develop focused teams that work towards a common goal. I am engaging and am known for my resilience and emotional agility in matters great and small. In a leadership role I offer a clear process of connection, effective action-based team meetings, professionalism and interpersonal skills for communication both face to face and with remote workers and customers alike... 

My question to you is which version peaks your interest as a perspective employer?

She recently sent me a testimonial based on her outcome.

I could have never imagined how valuable a coach/mentor could be to my career.  After 16 years in the same industry, I had become stagnate, restless and ready for change. Kelley focused on identifying my top five strengths and developing these through active learning sessions. The process proved invaluable, as it has given me such confidence to trust in my strengths, whilst reinventing myself and my career. Her tips for thinking outside the normal avenues challenged me and proved successful.  The result was a new role, plus calls for further interviews!  Having the guidance of an expert coach/mentor is the most beneficial decision you can make for yourself and your career. Kelley’s knowledge, commitment and passion are unwavering, and her drive to achieve results for her clients is commendable.

If you are looking for help to discover reinvention at work, please connect with me directly.

Corporate Magic Pty Ltd
Mobile +61 405523507 | | Web: | Behavioural Coach & Facilitator, Gallup Clifton Strengths| Extended DISC |Leadership Development

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