Discover Your Strengths and Bring them to Life


Many of us go through life based on what is expected of us, based on learned behaviours, cultures, and beliefs that we have created and made habitual over the years. We have created a version of ourselves formed by our experiences, learnings and outcomes.

Do you ever feel like something is missing?

  1. Discover your top five talents and how to build them into strengths providing your passion and purpose.
  2. Discover what drives your behaviour and how to build on your emotional intelligence and resilience.
  3. Discover how to clear negatives beliefs and behaviours and start to thrive.

The time is NOW. The core of the strengths movement is focusing on what is RIGHT, not fixing what is wrong. More than 16 million people all over the world have completed the Gallup® CliftonStrengths™ assessment. When we foster a deep understanding of our strengths, we can use them to enhance our partnerships and relationships, our teams and ourselves.

Unveil your Natural Talents and Transform them into Strengths.

Coupled with this is your ability to create transformational change through coaching. This level of personal & professional development is about tapping into your ability to create choice. Choices that are underpinned by resourceful belief systems, and engaging new behaviour to achieve the results you desire.

For only $550

  • Your unique individual Gallup® CliftonStrengths™ assessment code
  • Your top five strengths, personal insight report and action plans
  • Two Hour Coaching Session with Kelley Wacher your personal Coach to;
    1. Understand what you yearn for, your purpose, how you contribute, what you need to develop your talents into strengths that serve you and what to look out for when you face talent barriers.
    2. Understand your own Communication model and see how it drives your current behaviour.
    3. Discover a supported way forward to enable you to thrive and be fulfilled.


We project ourselves into the world driven by our communication model. This happens naturally. However, when our responses are based on limiting beliefs or un-resourceful thinking, feeling or self-talk that does not serve us. We find ourselves wondering: What is wrong with me, something is missing, but I just can’t pin-point what it is!

Have you ever decided or behaved in a way and after the fact, felt resentful, or remorseful?

Have you ever asked why am I here? What am I doing? Where am I heading? Or who am I?

This may feel like a sensation in your body, usually around the solar plexus, gut, throat or heart space, like a warning that you are not on the right path, or that you are headed toward melancholy, a feeling of dread or self-doubt. You may become filled with uncertainty, with no reason or understanding of why. I call it my own personal ‘black hole’. It can be filled.

Discover how to shrink it, fill it resourcefully, change it and use it to guide you toward your purpose and your ability to thrive.

You CAN truly understand what motivates you and your choices.
You CAN discover your true yearning, and your unique talents.
You CAN change your thinking to support your strengths and purpose.
You CAN let go of all those negative behaviours or beliefs and thrive.

That would be AMAZING, wouldn’t it?
I invite you to join me in unveiling your potential to thrive.


See the light at the end of the tunnel
‘Then, just when I thought I could stand it no more,
By chance I discovered a tiny trap door!
I popped my head out. The great sky was blue
And I knew, from the flowers, I’d finally come through…’
Dr Seuss – I had trouble in getting to Solla Sollew

This is what my clients have to say…

 “When I made the decision to start working with a personal coach, I did so with a very clear picture in mind regarding who that person needed to be and what they would help me achieve.  I had come to a point in my career where I was comfortable but unchallenged, where I knew there was more I could be achieving but risked losing the courage to go out and make that happen. The responsibilities and demands regarding my family were also changing, freeing up responsibilities and opening up opportunities.  I therefore needed a coach who would push me to set bold goals and take action to make it happen.  What I didn’t realise is that I actually needed a coach who would take the time to really understand who I was and where I had come from –  my successes and failures, my joys and despairs, my aspirations and limiting beliefs, my passions and assassins.  What I also didn’t realise is that I needed to understand these things about myself…..  Through our coaching sessions Kelley helped me understand who I was, and that I have what I need to create the career and future that I want. She challenged my thinking, helped me re-write my past, and cheered me on as I set and achieved new goals.  It has been an emotional and powerful partnership and I couldn’t have asked for a more caring and committed coach than Kel.”

 I participated in Kelley Wachers’ course of Passion and Purpose.  My intention of engaging Kelley was to address my feelings of being locked down and blocked at that point in my life.  When Kelley provided the first briefing on the outline of the course, it seemed to be very logical in regards to dealing the past influences and consequential behaviour that I had developed through my life. Although very confronting at times, the course content provided a long lasting positive change in my life.  I also learnt techniques to sustain the changes in my trigger areas of unhelpful behaviour and thought patterns.   Upon reflection and throughout the course I was continually impressed with Kelley’s style and facilitation techniques.  Some of the issues that came up from time to time were extremely personal and confronting for me, however, Kelley provided a safe and supportive environment throughout the entire course.  Her demeanour and methods of facilitation throughout the course allowed me to explore my trigger issues without judgement or prejudice. Since completing the course with Kelley I am of the opinion that the investment I have made in myself will continue to pay exponentially high dividends.  This is reflected in my levels of personal happiness, growth and success of my business and general health.

Emotional Intelligence Lessons from my 3 Year Old

Emotional Intelligence – Leadership Lessons from my three-year-old.

Max turned three in August and has recently discovered his testosterone button and with this discovery, I have realised some key emotional triggers that are not indicative of best practice emotional intelligence. I had thought that only selected dealings with telco organisations could create the level of internalised anger and frustration that is brought upon by a testosterone fuelled exchange with my three-year-old.

This is where I have leveraged the concept of my inside voice not becoming my outside voice and where thoughts do NOT become actions. Mostly my practice of emotional intelligence is related to understanding the impact on self and others of specific behaviour. Combined with a mixture of intelligence, common sense and emotional strength we forge on.

Imagine, if you will, and I know you can, the repetitive parental tone of:
(Mum) go to bed,
(Max) “but I’m not tired”
(Mum) Ok, go to bed,
(Max) “but I want a drink, I’m thirsty”
(Mum) Ok, now go to bed,
(Max) “but I need my teddy from over there”
(Mum) Right, now go to bed.
Ok, Max goes to bed. Two minutes later, a pitter patter of feet down the hallway,
(Max) but mum, I have to tell you something, very important.
(Mum) Now slightly louder, Max it can wait, now go to bed. Right Now.
Now begins the emotional blackmail,
(Max) “but Mum, I’m lonely,”
Slight heart string tug. Max goes to bed. Again, a pitter patter of feet down the hallway,
(Max) “but mum, I’m not tired,” followed by an accidentally on purpose right hook to my cheek

My mental explosion is set and I can feel the emergence of “CRAY, CRAY” mum! The sting in my cheek pounding and choice, inappropriate, language swirling around my head. If I open my mouth right now, I am going to be a complete maniac. Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. ….

So, have you ever felt this emotional hijacking at work. Ever reacted in a way that you regretted, that may be be deemed ‘over-emotional, inappropriate, not professional, immature’ or wished hindsight was suddenly foresight, or wished you had gone for a quick walk or talked to a friend before sending that email or opening your mouth and saying those words?

Why is it so important?
Because it is the foundation for critical leadership and workplace skills, not limited to, and including:

Effective Decision Making, Change Tolerance, Social Skills, Flexibility, Trust, Anger Management, Time Management, Communication, Empathy, Presentation Skills, Team Work, Assertiveness, Negotiation.

Because it impacts all areas of our life:

Relationships: When you understand your own emotions and those of others and you learn to manage them you will improve your ability to communicate effectively in all your relationships.

Overall Work Performance: Emotional intelligence can help you navigate the social complexities of the workplace, lead and motivate others, and excel in your career.

Body health: Stress in the work place can lead to serious health problems. We when cannot manage our stress through emotional intelligence it can raise blood pressure, impact your immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. To improve emotional intelligence, we must first learn to relieve and manage emotional stress.

Mental health: Unmanaged stress, anxiety or being overwhelmed can also impact your mental health, making you vulnerable to other mental health issues such as depression, mood swings, loneliness and isolation.

What does Emotional Intelligence look like alongside behavioural styles of DISC?

One of the first components in the emotional intelligence mode is SELF-AWARENESS
That is, the ability to understand your own moods, emotions and motivations as well as how they impact others.

Followed closely by SELF-MANAGEMENT
That is, the ability to control un-resourceful moods or emotions, and to think before acting.

Then SELF-MOTIVATION, what strengths do I have that can assist me in my contribution to a successful outcome.

Moving on to SOCIAL AWARENESS, the ability to read others emotions and understand how to manage interactions with them based on their reactions.

Finally, RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT all about building rapport, finding common ground and creating networks with others

So, when I was dealing with Max, I was firstly self-aware that my feelings were escalating, I was very aware of my building frustration and also that it was not appropriate to unleash on my three-year-old.

My self-management strategy was to breathe and listen to my self talk. He’s a child, he’s only three, he is clearly going through something right now as this is unusual behaviour for him! He skipped the terrible twos, perhaps it’s the turbulent threes! If in doubt google, do others have this issue…. (Pause), wow so many others, so there is nothing wrong with him. So, I’m ok too! (because of course it’s really all about me!)

Self-Motivation, be patient, I’m good at patience, it’s a strength, I know, this too shall pass.

Social Awareness, this is the rollercoaster of child development, nothing you’re thinking of will work without some fall out. Be prepared for and accept the tantrum!

Now I’m ready:
Time for ACTION. I say nothing, just collect Max in my arms, go, put him in his bed and close the door on the way out. He will cry, and that’s ok, not a sign of failure, you can bear it! Earphones on, light out. Breathe! I know that in the morning he will run in all smiles, “good morning mum” as if nothing has happened!

Decide today to improve you Emotional Intelligence skills

Contact me now for your “Emotional Awareness Self Assessment”
Enter EQ Self Assessment in the subject line.

Engagement Lessons from my 3 Year Old


Determination – What you focus on is what you get 

Dear Santa, all Max wants for Christmas is a grabber! 

Where he got the idea, is anyone’s guess. He saw them somewhere and decided they would come in very handy for him.

He wrote to Santa and asked for grabbers, he saw Santa and asked for grabbers. If you ask him what he wants for Christmas, he will say “grabbers”!

Funnily enough, since making this decision, he has, on a number of occasions found opportunities where grabbers would be required.

  1. Picking up Lego that has fallen behind the lounge, “hey mum, I could use my grabbers for this”;
  2. Reaching the marshmallows for his Maxacinno; “mum, if I had my grabbers I could reach them”;
  3. Finding a toy he has dropped from his car seat; “mum, this is why I want my grabbers”.

It would appear that the more he focuses on his grabbers and the greater the want, the more opportunities present themselves.

Imagine what it would be like to be so focused on what you want that you cannot help but unconsciously create and see opportunities presenting themselves over and over.

Throughout my career, I have seen and heard people be very clear about what they DON’T want.

Do you ever hear yourself saying…

  • I don’t want to fail
  • I don’t want to upset anyone
  • I don’t want to miss any opportunities
  • I don’t want to do this job anymore
  • I don’t want to disappoint my team
  • I don’t want to feel this way
  • I don’t know what I want

Imagine if you could be clear about your passion and purpose, if you could truly identify what you are good at, your unique talents, have a greater awareness of your own behaviour and how it both helps and hinders your performance – it could completely change the way you experience the world around you!

When we are aware of our talents and apply them to our performance we deliver greater results in all areas of our lives. When we understand our natural behavioural style and learn new, effective ways to communicate with others who are different to us, we improve our engagement in all areas of our lives.

The Gallup Strengths organisation recently accumulated evidence across its client data estimating the average performance increase as a result of education on individual strengths and recorded a 33% greater engagement among employees. Among those, productivity data, based on post strengths education or awareness and coaching increased by 7.8%. The research also showed reduction in turnover and increase in overall profitability.  All this is based on awareness and development of your unique talents.

So, Back to my three year old Max: I find the quickest way to change his behaviour is to find something he likes doing and have him do more of it!

As adults engaged in lifelong learning, we are reminded in the simplest of ways that when we put our talents to work and create opportunities to use them so they become our natural strengths, we discover just how much we can contribute to our overall success.

Do you want to hear yourself saying….?

  • I continue to create opportunities where I am valued.
  • I am resilient and make considered decisions with an understanding of my impact on others.
  • I am always open to new opportunities.
  • I am passionate about what I do, and the results I get.
  • I am a great role model for leadership and engagement.
  • I feel good about myself.
  • I know what I want and I am doing it!

This is How in a few easy steps.

So, if you’re my 3 year old Max…

  1. See something you really want.
  2. Convince yourself & others through repetition all the reasons you require this gift include specific examples.
  3. Truly believe that Santa thinks you’re very good all year and will deliver it to your door!
  4. Have some amazing sugar plum fairies for parents.
  5. Have the true belief that even if you’re a little bit naughty, it will probably still happen.

Now the grown up leadership version…

  1. Discover your top 5 talents, understand your own behavioural style and how your leadership behaviour impacts self and others.
  2. Think of a time where you felt truly motivated and engaged in what you were doing. What was that? How does it relate to your top talents.  What do you see, hear, feel, think in this situation!
  3. Decide what would have to happen to create more of that! Now, what do you need to do differently to bring that to life.  (Make a Decision to act)
  4. Set a goal based on what you want more of and a strategy to get there. (Create an Outcome)
  5. Truly Believe that you can do it. (Determination)
  6. Find yourself an accountability partner to keep you on track.
    (Take Action)
  7. Believe there is no failure only feedback so when something doesn’t go to plan you can learn from it and then do something else! (Resilience)

Believe even if you are a little bit naughty. Santa will still come!😜

In 2017, learn more about discovering your passion and purpose. Change your thinking to create new, resourceful experiences based on your natural talents, behaviours and strengths!

Feeding the Frontline Faux Pas!

“The Psychology of Service Recovery”

I recently found myself pondering my annual family holiday.

I was excited about a week away, poolside cocktails, relaxation, kids club for my son and his 3 year old BFF. For me a good book and some coastal adventures.

On check in, I was quickly reminded of the power of the “front line faux pax” and the, eerie inclination it has to ruining one’s complete experience from beginning to end!

In brief, having left home at 0400, arriving at our hotel after a 4 hour flight, we were meet with lovely smiles and those three words that set you up for disappointment.

“I’m sorry, but…….

Yes, that’s right.

I’m sorry, but we don’t the room that you booked and paid for.

Further more, I’m sorry, but there is nothing we can do because we are full.

Finally I’m sorry, but we can’t help you. You will need to call us every day or come to reception to find out, if you can move into the room that you originally booked and paid for.

My customer service radar was now bleeping madly, and with my best emotional intelligence intact, I calmly asked. Are you able to advise us when we can move, instead of us having to come and see you or call you each day?

Response: No, I’m sorry we don’t manage the rooms from front desk its done by reservations.

Question: So is reservations off site?

Response: No, its just here behind me

Question: Ok, can I please speak with the reservations manager?

Response: I’ll check. No I’m sorry they are at lunch

Question: Ok so can you please ask the reservations manager to contact me when” they” return from lunch?

Response: Certainly.

Outcome: No further contact from the hotel.

So, the unspoken psychology of poor service recovery now kicks in.

This is when one’s experience, cascades onto the next, and the next, and the next, deteriorating each time. All culminating into a colossal fail on the customer service experience scale

Poor meal service – inedible and $50 pp for the privilege.

Kids club review – MA+ movie playing to 4 year olds.

Staff member comments direct to guest in party “someone spent too much time at the breakfast buffet”.

Restaurant – we would prefer you feed the kids outside otherwise we have to reset the tables.

Gastro outbreak from – inedible Mexican buffet night.

“We are very busy, just wait”, when inquiring after 15 minutes about the sauce that should have come with the kids meal. There were 5 people in the restaurant.

Double charged for breakfasts that were included.

Charged for a completely different guest room expenses.

The grand finale, on check out my two year old found a male body apron complete with male appendages and faux pubic hair. Clearly a housekeeping issue.

All of these avoidable events are experienced at a heightened level by the customer, due to the very first experience on the service cycle. This directly leads to one discussing the experience at every opportunity they get with anyone that will listen. This includes, friends, family, work colleagues, day care, Face Book, Trip Advisor, Snap Chat, Twitter, Linked in, Pinterest and anyone that mentions the said destination.

This continues until such time that they are convinced that the “service provider, has suffered significant consequences for not having had my room available on arrival. Or until someone asks their opinion on where to stay in that specific location.

In this particular instance, the flow on complaints, included, an outbreak of ear infections, pool faeces, pornographic toys and food poisoning! Copy and paste responses on social media are not acceptable as forms of reply!

Case studies like these are all too familiar in the hospitality and retail industries!

Stop feeding the front line faux pas!

Get it done well in the the first cycle of service and create fans instead of flames!

Discover the “L.E.T M.E.” service recovery model

L isten

E mpathise

T ell them what you can do

M ediate

E xtricate

Organise your free customer service coaching session to discover the The Magic of Customer Service Mastery. 0405 523 507

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